Masyhudi Muqorobin


This article report research result to qawa'id fiqhiyyah and the implication in economic behavior and idea in public. In this case, understanding to qawa'id fiqhiyyah is absolute is needed to do "ijtihad" or reconditional of idea. Some moslem scholars and fuqaha are former, since end century second Hijriyyah have blazed the way stone of situating of qawa'id through their grands master­pieces, what up this moment until now still seen the benefit for implementations in modern lives, inclusion is economic. Some moslem scholars/fuqaha from are fourth fiqh madzhab compile qawa'id in number which so much, part of it same or similar, so that hard in order to be known the numbers surely. This research focus at 99 (ninety nine) qawa'id which compiled by moslem scholars at Dynasties Turki, Usmani, that is al-majallah al-Ahkaam al-‘Adliyyah at about early century thirteenth Hijriyah or precisely around year of 1286 H.


perilaku ekonomi; qawa’id fiqhiyyah; qa’idah asasiyyah

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