Tulus Budi Santoso, Fadia Fitriyanti


Indonesia is an archipelago consisting of 17,504 islands included in the territory.
Indonesia needs transportation, especially sea transportation. Sea transportation
needed to facilitate the transportation of people and goods, shipping safety.
Therefore, the law which refers to the existence of improvement efforts for sea
transport services, those passengers is entitled to compensation which shall be
provided by the carrier due to negligence during the transport operation. The legal basis based on Law No. 17 of 2008 on shipping, consumer protection and security of shipping to have fulfillment the rights of victims on maritime transportation. The research will open the view on the settlement on liability of carrier against the loss of passengers. The purpose for bringing a change in the practice of marine transportation when accidents happen, getting the rights of accident victims, providing compensation for heirs, providing compensation for the property and provide accountability for victims. The method research used is the normative method. This’s by recovering bibiliographic data and scientific journals as well as documents relating to the problems analyzed to implementation of legal protection for passenger safety. The result of the research is to involve in sea transportation must be careful in carrying out the transportation business.


Carrier; Legal Protection; Liability; Passengers; Sea Transportation

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Law of Civil Code Book III

Law of Commercial Code Book II.

Law No. 33 of 1964 on Passenger Accident Insurance Funds

Law No. 8 of 1999 on Consumer Protection

Law No. 17 of 2008 on Shipping

Government Regulation (PP) No. 17 of 1965 on The Implementation of Passenger Accident Compulsory Insurance Funds.

Government Regulation No.20 of 2010 in Marine Trasportation.

The Regulation Minister of Finance No. 36 / PMK.010 / 2008 and 37 / PMK.010 /2008 26 February 2008 the types of compensation provided for land andsea are the same while for air there are some that are differentiated.



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