Prevalensi Seropositif IgM/IgG Cytomegalovirus pada Populasi Wanita Pra-nikah dengan Riwayat Konsumsi Makan Lesehan

Adang Muhammad Gugun


Infeksi Cytomegalovirus ( CMV) dapat menyebabkan abortus pada ibu hamil, pertumbuhan janin terhambat, cacat bawaan serta membawa permasalahan infertilitas. Transmisi CMV dapat terjadi melalui kontak langsung atau tidak langsung, kontak seksual, transfusi darah, transplantasi organ atau hal–hal yang berhubungan dengan riwayat kontak erat dengan sekret, saliva dan urin. Makan di warung lesehan semakin banyak diminati oleh orang dewasa muda. Pencucian alat makan yang kurang bersih bisa menularkan infeksi CMV. Oleh karena itu, hubungan antara riwayat konsumsi makan lesehan dengan prevalensi CMV pada wanita pra-nikah perlu diteliti. Desain penelitian ini adalah observasional analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional, untuk mencari hubungan antara prevalensi seropositif IgM/IgG CMV pada wanita pra-nikah di Kabupaten Bantul dengan riwayat konsumsi makan lesehan. Subyek penelitian berjumlah 90, seluruh subyek mengisi kuesioner dan diambil serumnya kemudian dites ELISA untuk mengetahui keberadaan IgM/IgG anti CMV dalam serum. Data dianalisis dengan uji chi-square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 72 dari 90 subyek (80%) positif terinfeksi CMV. Empat puluh dua subyek penelitian yang memiliki faktor risiko riwayat konsumsi makan lesehan, didapatkan sebanyak 33 subyek (78.57%) positif terinfeksi CMV. Hasil uji chi-square menunjukkan p>0.05; Risiko Prevalensi sebesar 0.967; (IK; 95% : 0.785-1.191). Disimpulkan bahwa tidak terdapat hubungan antara faktor risiko riwayat konsumsi makan lesehan terhadap prevalensi seropositif IgM/IgG CMV pada populasi wanita pra-nikah.


Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection can cause abortion in pregnant women, Intra Uterine Growth Retardation (IUGR), congenital defects and bring the issue of infertility. CMV transmission can occur through direct or indirect contact, sexual contact, blood transfusions, organ transplantation or other matters relating to the history of close contact with secret, saliva and urine. Eating at stalls street food demand by a growing number of young adults. but keep in mind hygiene. Washing eating utensils that are less clean can transmit CMV infection. Therefore, the relationship between a history of consumption street food with the prevalence of CMV infection on premarital women need to be investigated. The study design was observational analytic with cross sectional, to find the relationship between the prevalence of seropositive IgM/IgG CMV in premarital women in Bantul district with a history of eating street food consumption. Research subjects numbered 90, all subjects were asked to fill out questionnaires and retrieved for later in the test serum by ELISA method to determine the presence of IgM/IgG anti-CMV in the serum. The data analysis with chisquare test. The result showed that: Seventy two of all subjects (80%) infected with CMV positive. Fourty two subjects who have risk factor history of consumption lesehan food, obtained a total of 33 subjects (78.57%) infected with CMV positive. Chi-Square test results showed no correlation between risk factor history of eating street food consumption with the prevalence of seropositive IgM/IgG CMV in pre-marital women population (p> 0.05; PR 0.967; 95% CI 0.785-1.191).


pe-marital women; eating street food consumption; Cytomegalovirus ( CMV); wanita pra-nikah; konsumsi makan lesehan

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