Efek Profilaksis Perasan Daun Paederia foetida L. terhadap Ulkus Lambung Tikus Putih Terinduksi Etanol

Bayu Kurniawan Fitra, Sri Nabawiyati Nurul Makiyah


Gastric ulcer is an ulcer which is caused by acid and pepsin which is happened because imbalance between aggressive and defensive factors. There is some causes of gastric ulcer, for the examples non steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID), irritant factors, alcohol, foods and beverages and also helicobacter pylori. The purpose of this research is to prove prophylaxis effect of P. foetida L. leaves squeeze to gastric ulcer in the white rats which has been induced by ethanol. Research method which is used is laboratory experimental with post only control group research design. Thirty female Spraque Dawley white rats with 3 months in age and 145-250 grams in weight is divided into 6 groups (normal control, negative control, group with 2% squeeze, 4% squeeze, 8% squeeze and positive control). Sample grouping is done randomly. Ulcer induction with 1 ml of 80% ethanol is done after the rats given P foetida L. leaves squeeze for 3 days and fasted for 24 hours. Scoring the depth of the ulcer and distribution of inflammatory cells is done by microscopic observation according of Hadi, S (2002). Result of the depth of the ulcer is analyzed which kruskall-wallis and continued with mann whitney. Result of the distribution of inflammatory cells is analyzed which one way anova and continued with paired T-test. Statistic result shows depth in group of ulcer squeeze in leaves P. foetida L. 8% is less than from a group of negative control (p<0,05). In the other groups of squeeze that 2% and 4%, shows that the depth of ulcer is less than a group of negative control too, although in statistic it was not significant (p>0,05). In observation the spreading of inflammatory cell shows that group of leaves P. foetida L. squeeze 2%, 4% and 8% are less than group of negative control in the other hand in statistic was not significant (p>0,05). The conclution is squeeze of leaves P. foetida L. 8 % has prophylaxis effect with gastric ulcer of white rats induced by ethanol.

Ulkus lambung adalah ulkus yang disebabkan oleh asam dan pepsin, yang terjadi akibat ketidakseimbangan antara faktor agresif dan faktor defensif. Ada banyak penyebab tukak lambung, seperti obat anti inflamasi non steroid (OAINS), beberapa faktor iritan seperti, alkohol makanan dan minuman serta kuman Helycobacter pylori. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah eksperimental laboratorium dengan rancangan penelitian post only control group. Sebanyak 30 ekor tikus putih betina Spraque Dawley 3 bulan, dibagi menjadi 6 kelompok (kontrol tanpa perlakuan, kontrol negatif, perlakuan perasan 2%, 4%, 8% dan kontrol positif). Pengelompokkan sampel dilakukan secara acak. Tikus diberi perasan daun PfoetidaL. selama 3 hari dan dipuasakan selama 24 jam kemudian induksi ulkus menggunakan 1 ml etanol 80%. Penilaian kedalaman ulkus dan penyebaran sel radang dilakukan melalui pengamatan mikroskopis menurut Hadi, S. (2002). Hasil pengamatan kedalaman ulkus dianalisis secara statistik menggunakan uji Kruskal-Wallis dilanjutkan dengan uji Mann-Whitney. Hasil pengamatan penyebaran sel radang dianalisis secara statistik menggunakan One Way Anova dilanjutkan dengan Paired T- Test. Hasil statistik menunjukkan kedalaman ulkus kelompok perasan daun P foetida L. 8% lebih rendah daripada kelompok kontrol negatif (p<0,05). Pada kelompok perasan 2% dan 4%, juga menunjukkan kedalaman ulkus lebih rendah daripada kelompok kontrol negatif meskipun secara statistik tidak signifikan (p>0,05). Pada pengamatan penyebaran sel radang menunjukkan kelompok perasan daun P. foetida L. 2%, 4% dan 8% lebih rendah daripada kelompok kontrol negatif meskipun secara statistik tidak signifikan (p>0,05). Dapat disimpulkan bahwa perasan daun P. foetida L. 8% memiliki efek profilaksis terhadap ulkus lambung tikus putih terinduksi etanol.


etanol, Paederia foetida L.; profilaksis; ulkus lambung; ethanol; gastric ulcer; Paederia foetida L.; prophylaxis

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18196/mmjkk.v9i2%20(s).1614


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