Perbandingan Efektivitas Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (Bti) terhadap Larva Aedes aegypti Laboratorium dan Daerah Endemik Demam Berdarah di Yogyakarta

Trisna Dwi Susanti, Tri Wulandari Kesetyaningsih


Until now control the vector mosquito of dengue high fever (DHF) are still using the insecticide chemistry because it is considered the most effective and inexpensive. Because of the possibility of resistance to insecticides and pollution of the environment, it is important to consider control measures alternative to more environmentally friendly. Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (Bti) has high pathogenicity against mosquito larvae, so the potential to create a handler with experience. Larvae of mosquitoes in endemic areas is estimated to have been affected by the Bti in nature. The research objective was to compare the effectiveness of Bti against larvae of Aedes aegypti in the laboratory and from areas endemic dengue This study is the experimental laboratory, using larval Ae. aegypti laboratory and endemic areas of dengue fever as the subject. Treatment was given by exposing the subject by the Bti in a variety concentration. The study consists of 13 groups, 12 groups contain a series of concentrations of Bti and the control group without insecticides. Each group consisted of 25 larvae 3rd stage included in the glass of200 ml of media with a series of concentrations of 0.4; 0.6, 0.8, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 20 ppm. Observations were made after 24 hours of exposure by counting the number of dead larvae in each cup. Data were analyzed using Probitt to determine LD50 andLD90 and paired T-test to determine the significance of differences between study groups. The results showed that Bti can kill the larvae of Aedes aegypti with LD50 1.732 ppm and 21.876 ppm LD90 for laboratory larvae, and 4.769 ppm LD50 and LD90 68.229 ppm for larvae from endemic area. Analysis of paired T-test showed p = 0.038, which means there is a significant difference in mortality between the laboratory with endemic areas of larvae after exposure for 24 hours of Bti.

Sampai saat ini pengendalian nyamuk vektor demam berdarah dengue (DBD) masih menggunakan insektisida kimiawi karena dianggap paling efektif dan murah. Adanya kemungkinan resistensi terhadap insektisida kimia dan polusi lingkungan, perlu dipertimbangkan cara pengendalian alternatifyang lebih ramah lingkungan. Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (Bti) mempunyai patogenitas tinggi terhadap jentik nyamuk sehingga berpotensi sebagai bahan pengendali alami. Larva nyamuk di daerah endemik diperkirakan sudah terpapar dengan Bti di alam. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk membandingkan efektifitas Bti terhadap larva Aedes aegypti laboratorium dan dari daerah endemik DBD. Penelitian ini bersifat eksperimental laboratorium, menggunakan larva Ae. aegypti laboratorium dan daerah endemik DBD sebagai subyek. Perlakuan berupa pemaparan subyek dengan bioinsektisida berbagai konsentrasi Bti. Penelitian terdiri atas 13 kelompok, 12 kelompok berisi rangkaian konsentrasi Bti dan satu kelompok kontrol tanpa insektisida. Tiap kelompok terdiri atas 25 ekor L3 yang dimasukkan dalam gelas berisi 200 ml media dengan rangkaian konsentrasi berturut-turut 0,4; 0,6; 0,8; 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 dan 20 ppm. Pengamatan dilakukan setelah 24 jam pemaparan dengan menghitung jumlah kematian larva pada tiap-tiap gelas. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji statistik Probitt untuk menentukan LD50 dan LD90 dan paired T-test untuk mengetahui signifikansi perbedaan antar kelompok. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Bti mampu membunuh larva Aedes aegypti dengan LD50 1,732 ppm dan LD90 21,876 ppm untuk larva laboratorium, dan LD50 4,769 ppm dan LD90 68,229 ppm untuk larva daerah andemik. Analisis paired T-test menunjukkan p=0,038, berarti ada perbedaan signifikan angka kematian antara larva laboratorium dengan larva daerah endemik setelah pemaparan dengan Bti selama 24 jam.


Aedes aegypti; Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (Bti); biolarvasida; Aedes aegypti; Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis; biolarvacide

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