Selulitis Fasialis dengan Trombosis Sinus Kavernosus

Siti Aminah Tri Susilo Estri, Sunardi Radiono


Facial cellulitis is a facial bacterial infection that spread progressively with serious complication. This is report a 12 aged-years boys with facial cellulitis and cavernous sinus thrombosis. Diagnosed based on the physical examination, erythema and oedema on the right face and palpebra, with pain, opthalmoplegia, pareses of the right n. III and left n. VI. Laboratory examination showed lecocytosis, increasing of C-reactive protein and growth of S. Aureus from blood culture. He was treated with ceftriaxone and amycacine intravenously, analgesic and non-steroid anti-inflammation drugs and physiotherapy. Pareses of the ocular nerves improved within 3 months by physiotherapy.

Selulitis fasialis (SF) merupakan infeksi bakteri pada wajah yang dapat cepat meluas dengan komplikasi serius. Tulisan ini melaporkan seorang anak laki-laki 12 tahun dengan selulitis fasialis disertai trombosis sinus kavernosus. Diagnosis ditegakkan berdasar gambaran klinis berupa edem dan eritem fasial dan palpebra bagian kanan, teraba hangat dan nyeri tekan, optalmoplegi, parese n. III kanan dan n. VI kiri, dan hasil pemeriksaan laboratoium yaitu leukositosis, peningkatan C-reactive protein dan dari kultur darah tumbuh S.aureus. Penderita diberikan terapi seftriakson dan amikasin intravena, analgetik dan antiinflamasi non-steroid dengan fisioterapi. Parese saraf mata membaik setelah 3 bulan fisioterapi.


facial cellulitis; cavernous sinus thrombosis; facial cellulitis; cavernous sinus thrombosis

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