Anemia pada Usia Lanjut

Nur Shani Meida, Ardi Pramono


Due to relatively high life expectancy (i.e. 71 years old), there is a signifi-cant number of elderly in Yogyakarta (according to Central Bureau of Statis¬ts / BPS, 1998). Many health problems were commonly found in elderly, such as anemia. Despite its prevalence in elderl, anemia is difficult to detect and causes potential health problems. The aim of this study was to reveal tiemia situation in the elderly in Yogyakarta.
Subjects of the study were 21 elderly i.e. 12 men and 9 women. Two ml ~enous blood were drawn from antecubital vein of each subject and put into IDT A tube. Laboratory examinations were performed for hemoglobin level, hematocrit and erythrocyte count.
The result of the study showed that based on hemoglobine level, anemia was observed in all male and female subjects. However, all subjects were nor- nal based on hematocrit level. In addition, all female subjects were normal, while all male subjects were anemia based on erythrocyte count.
Further studies with large series of subjects covering other health prob¬lems related to anemia are recommended.

Kelompok usia lanjut di Yogyakarta beijumlah cukup banyak, sebab usia harapan hidup penduduk Yogyakarta termasuk tinggi yaitu rl tahun (menurut Biro Pusat Statistik, 1998). Banyak gangguan yang terjadi seiring dengan bertambahnya usia antara lain anemi. Anemi pada usia lanjut sering teijadi, sukar dideteksi dan dapat mengganggu kesehatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui anemi yang terjadi pada usia lanjut yang dapat mengganggu kesehatannya.
Subyek penelitian ini adalah golongan kelompok usia lanjut yang berumur antara 50-75 tahun yang terdiri dari 12 pria dan 9 wanita. Dua ml darah vena yang diambil dari vena mediana cubiti dimasukkan dalam tabung berisi EDTA, selanjutnya diperiksa kadar hemoglobin, hematokrit dan angka eritrosit.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa berdasar kadar hemoglobin terdapat anemi pada usia lanjut, tetapi berdasar kadar hematokrit mereka dinyatakan nor¬mal. Adapun berdasar angka eritrosit pada wanita kesemuanya adalah normal, sedangkan pada pria terdapat anemi.
Penelitian lebih lanjut dengan melibatkan jumlah subyek yang lebih besar dengan mencakup masalah kesehatan lain yang terkait dengan anemi masih perlu dianjurkan.


Due to relatively high life expectancy (i.e. 71 years old), there is a signifi-cant number of elderly in Yogyakarta (according to Central Bureau of Statis¬ts / BPS, 1998). Many health problems were commonly found in elderly, such as anemia. Despite its pr

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