A Reflection on the Role of Ulama and Community Leaders in Raising Socio-Cultural Capital to Deal with Terrorist Groups in Bukit Jalin, Aceh Besar

Herdi Sahrasad, Al Chaidar, Dedy Tabrani


The emergence of terrorist groups in the Aceh Province, which is spreading, was revealed after reports from residents and local clerics about armed training carried out by this radical group in Bukit Jalin, Aceh Besar, in September 2009. This terrorism case attracted the attention of the local government and local community. All of this has mainly happened because the expansion of the material world and technology has structured new settings for needs and patterns of life and created fields or jobs (occupations) that are very different from what had developed in the agrarian society in Aceh that was pre-Islamic. -industry. These changes in employment are directly related to economic development in the era of capitalism, which in turn requires investment in capital goods and an increase in the standard of prosperity. As a result, “as the economy develops, the need for skilled workers, technologists, and generally educated people increases almost geometrically”. Thus, what is then witnessed is the continuous adjustment efforts of the traditional and modern world of education into the dynamics of the expansion of the material and technological world. With the emergence of terrorist movements and radical movements that try to offer perspectives and solutions that are based on considerations of violence in addressing the problems of modernity and Indonesianness, it is necessary to play the role of ulama and community leaders who are able to raise socio-cultural capital to deal with the problems of radicalism and terrorism in Aceh/Indonesia in the era of capitalism, in addition to strict law enforcement to eradicate terrorism that threatens our people in Aceh and Indonesia.


Islam; Ulama; Terrorism; Indonesia; Aceh; TQISM; Wahabi; GAM.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18196/afkaruna.v19i2.17500


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