Strategi Pengembangan Agribisnis Kentang Merah di Kabupaten Solok

Dian Fauzi, Lukman Mohammad Baga, Netti Tinaprilla


The purpose of this research was to formulate the strategy of developing agribusiness of red potato in Solok Regency. The research was conducted on the district which has highest production of red potato in Solok Regency, Lembah Gumanti District. The method used on this research was SWOT matrix analysis and architectural strategic analysis. Based on SWOT analysis matrix, ten strategies were recommended in order to develop the agribusiness of red potato in Solok regency. From those ten strategies, sixteen recommended program was formulated based on analytical research. These programs were divided into  two, routine running program and gradually running program.


red potato; agribusiness; SWOT; architecture strategy

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