Good Corporate Governance (GCG) and Islamic Social Reporting (ISR) a Bibliometric Approach

Sinta Krismaya, Ihyaul Ulum, Tri Wahyu Oktavendi, Faris Afrizal, Fahmi Dwi Mawardi


Research aims: Visualize the study of the topics of Good Corporate Governance and Islamic Social Reporting from previous research so that it can provide opportunities for further, more diverse research.

Design/Methodology/Approach: This study is a bibliometric approach study in the field Good Corporate Governance and Islamic Social Reporting published in journals indexed by Scopus, SINTA, Emeral Insight, DOAJ, Research Gate, Science Direct, Garuda, and Google Scholar.

Research findings: Research in the field of Good Corporate Governance and Islamic Social Reporting was carried out in 2010-2022 and 398 articles were found with authors from Indonesia. These findings identify publication metadata that is converted into visualizations in the fields of science, not only economics, but also arts, humanities and psychology that have not been widely researched so that they could be interesting topics for research in the future.

Theoretical contribution/ Originality: This paper is one of the articles that provides a better understanding of good corporate governance and Islamic social reporting as a research topic by examining its evolution in an academic context through bibliometric analysis.

Practitioner/Policy implication: These findings are useful for academic researchers and industry practitioners to aid their understanding of the development of good corporate governance research and Islamic social reporting, identify the underlying context, and assist in the development of a coherent concept.

Research limitation/Implication: This research is also expected to expand the sub-themes related to the implementation and development of Islamic Social Reporting and Good Corporate Governance, where the number of themes has not been widely studied in 2010 to 2023.



Bibliometric; Good Corporate Governance; Islamic Social Reporting


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