The Influence of Financial Performance and Governance on Non-Financial Performance Disclosures

Tri Siwi Nugrahani, Taslim Firdaus, Ratna Purnama Sari


Research Objectives: This research aims to examine the influence of financial performance and corporate governance on non-financial performance, namely the disclosure of Sustainability Report (SR).

Design/Methodology/Approach: This research uses a sample of 35 industrial companies listed on the IDX during 2017-2022 and prepare annual reports (AR) and SR. The total observation data is 210 companies. The data analysis technique uses Multiple Regression and hypothesis testing using the t test with a significance of 5%.

Research Findings: The research results show that governance, namely the independent board of commissioners and audit committee, has a positive effect on SR disclosure; However, the board of directors, institutional share ownership, public share ownership, and ROA have no effect on SR disclosure.

Theoretical Contribution/ Originality This research contributes theoretically, namely that the agency theory approach can be used to determine SR disclosure

Practitioner/Policy Implications: Companies by optimizing independent boards of commissioners and audit committees can help companies supervise managers thereby increasing SR disclosure.

Research Limitations: This research is limited to examining governance on the board of directors, independent board of commissioners, audit committee and institutional and public share ownership. We have not tested other governance such as managerial ownership and remuneration committees, so there are still many other possibilities that influence SR disclosure

Further Research: Future research can test SR disclosure with other approaches and pay attention to managerial ownership governance and remuneration committees to find out whether SR disclosure increases or not.


Corporate Governance; Sustainability Report


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