Identifikasi Risiko Proyek Konstruksi Gedung Di Provinsi Aceh

Kemala Hayati, Aldina Fatimah, Badrul Akmal


A construction project has some risks that likely happen and cause financial loss in a certain time. This research is aimed to identify possible risks in building construction. It applied descriptive analysis and probability impact matrix to manage the risks. Based on the risk analysis by using probabili ty impact matrix, there were two possible risks with the highest value, i.e. “Inaccurate zero mutual check”, and “The material defects are not immediately repaired”. According to the aforementioned risks, some prevention should be undertaken. A guideline on preventive measure is useful to help the contractor to manage the possible risks in construction project, and prevent a dispute. Some prevention that can be solution of the risks are finding the qualified human resources, tighten the supervision, conduct development and training for the staffs, and provide good management. 


Manajemen Risiko, Penyebab Risiko, Tindakan Preventif

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