Analisis CBR Tanah Clayshale Akibat Distabilisasi Semen

Edi Hartono, Gilang Permana Santoso


Clay shale is a soft rock that has potential problems in strength and durability when exposed. Soil Improvement Required when used as the subgrade. One of the repair methods is stabilization using cement. This study aims to determine the value of CBR and clay shale swelling after the addition of cement. Cement added by 10% of dry soil weight. The cement is mixed by dry mix and spray mix methods. CBR testing uses three variations of compaction 10, 25, 56 blows. The results showed that adding 10% cement and 56 blows increased the CBR value by 38.40% and decreased the swelling by 0.60%. The CBR value with the dry mix method is higher than the spray mix method.


CBR, clay shale, stabilisasi semen, dry mix, dan spray mix

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