Pengaruh Limbah Cair Pabrik Gula terhadap Kondisi Air Sumur Pemukiman Warga

Surya Budi Lesmana, Galih Nugraha Ady Permana


Water has an important role for human life, one of which is for bathing needs, for drinking needs, and other needs. The content contained in the water can have a significant influence in the community. The research conducted is a study that uses well water as a sample and conducted in the lab using BOD, DO, and Fe levels testing, and using sampling methods. The sample used as many as 8 samples. There are test results of the average BOD level of 5.94 mg/l which means that the level is below the maximum level and shows good results, the average do level is worth 1.08 mg/l and has a minimum value of 4 mg/l and shows poor results, while Fe has an average yield of 0.11 mg/l and has a minimum value of 1 mg/l which indicates that fe levels are not polluted. From the data, it can be concluded that there are various levels and only DO levels have below averagevalues.


water, ressedential wells, BOD, DO, Fe

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