Integrating Traditional Medicine into the Healthcare System in Ethiopia: Promoting Research and Avoiding Misappropriation

Temesgen Abebe Degu


Traditional medicine is a form of medicine that has been widely used in Ethiopia for thousands of years.  However, it is still practiced in the absence of formal healthcare. The current approach to the protection of traditional medicinal resources in Ethiopia is based on multiple fragmented legislations and neglects one of these problems. The main objective of this paper is to discuss the need for integrating traditional medicine into national healthcare system and protecting of traditional medicinal resources in Euthopia. This normative legal research employs statutory approach. It is found that Ethiopia has put in place a legal framework for the protection of its traditional medicinal resources, but the role of traditional medicine in healthcare is not clearly defined. Many medicinal plants are, consequently, at risk of extinction and biopiracy.  Ay policy option that seeks to protect traditional medicinal resources must have in mind these three problems together, i.e loss of traditional knowledge, loss of medicinal plants, and potential misappropriation. Integrating traditional medicine into the modern health care system requires careful consideration of conservation, protection, and development of traditional practices.


Biopiracy; Healthcare; Intellectual Property Rights; Traditional Knowledge; Traditional Medicine


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