Social Factor Effects on Linguistic Performance, Emotional and Spiritual Intelligence

Kasmil S. Abdulwahid


Children's ability to improve linguistic performance and emotional and spiritual intelligence is shaped by genetics and largely influenced by social factors. The main focus of this study is to determine the significant effect of social factors on linguistic performance and emotional and spiritual intelligence. The descriptive-quantitative method of research was used in the study. There were 110 students included as respondents, selected through simple random sampling. The linguistic performance test, USM Emotional Quotient Inventory, and Spiritual Intelligence Self-Report Inventory served as instruments to gather data from the respondents. The data were analyzed through t-test, ANOVA, and post-hoc. Based on the careful analysis, social factors affected students' linguistic performance and emotional and spiritual intelligence. The findings discovered: 1) A significant difference among the respondents' linguistic performance on students' family religiosity, involvement in the social group, and students' madrasah experience; 2) A significant difference in their emotional intelligence as far as students' family educational attainment, income, and students' madrasah experience; and 3) A significant difference on students' spiritual intelligence on their involvement in the social group. This study recommends parental attention to increasing children's activeness in a good social environment because they tend to have better linguistic performance and emotional and spiritual intelligence. Likewise, the school atmosphere is important in supporting children's abilities.


Social Factors Linguistic Performance; Emotional Intelligence; Spiritual Intelligence

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