The Muslim Hipster and Consumption Behavior Phenomena in the Shopee Marketplace of Makassar

Fadly Yashari Soumena, Rika Risnawati A


The research implemented a descriptive quantitative method, aimed to investigate (1) the influence of Muslim hipsters on the buying decisions of Muslim fashion products in the Shopee marketplace, (2) the effect of online customer reviews on the purchasing decisions of Muslim fashion products in the Shopee marketplace. The data used in this study comprised primary data collected through questionnaires. The method used to analyze the data was the multiple linear regression analysis method. The population in this study consisted of students of the Islamic Religious Education and English Language Education Departments, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, UIN Alauddin Makassar, who were users of the Shopee Apps. The sample used in this study was 60 respondents. The results of this study indicate that Muslim hipsters and online customer reviews have a positive and significant effect on the users’ purchasing decisions. These results indicate that a Muslim hipster, with the lifestyle and values it identifies, can attract more buyers, increase sales, and generate greater profits for the business. Online customer reviews can influence purchasing decisions and provide important information to prospective buyers. Both variables can be exploited by business actors in their marketing strategies to enhance their brand confidence and reputation, as well as attract more buyers. In an effort to pay attention to consumer lifestyle trends, preferences, and purchasing behavior, business operators can develop more effective marketing strategies and expand their market share.


Muslim Hipster; Online Customer Reviews; Purchasing Decisions

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