Samuel Mario Arnoldi Napitupulu, Yeshika Alversia


The advancement of technology has led to the proliferation of e-commerce services, resulting in an increased demand for courier services in Indonesia. Pos Indonesia, a pioneer in courier services, now faces competition from industry players such as JNE, J&T, SiCepat, and others, who employ strategies focused on providing relational benefits. These benefits include special discount facilities, free item pick-up, and the establishment of social relationships and trust through integrated technology. However, contrary to previous research findings, these built-in benefits do not necessarily contribute significantly to customer loyalty. This study aims to examine the role of relational benefits, with relationship quality as a mediating variable, in enhancing customer loyalty within the context of Pos Indonesia's efforts to retain its loyal customers through various innovations. Conducted using a quantitative method, the study sampled 205 respondents who have used Pos Indonesia's services in the last 6 months. The PLS-SEM method was used to analyze the data. The study reveals that repurchase intention increases with high levels of trust and satisfaction, supporting the confidence and social benefits that have been built. Surprisingly, special treatment benefits do not influence consumer loyalty behavior


Relational Benefits; Relationship Quality; Loyalty; Repurchase Intention; Willingness to Pay More; Word of Mouth; Indonesian Post


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18196/jerss.v8i1.20623


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