Investigation Impact Literacy Finance and Socialization Financial to Satisfaction Finance Through Attitude Risk Finance: Perspective Generation Millennials

Nurhaeni Nurhaeni, Kumba Digdowiseiso


This study investigates the impact of financial literacy and financial socialization on financial satisfaction through financial risk attitudes. Researchers collected data from 240 respondents in the age group 24 – 39 years through a web-based independent questionnaire. Data were analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with Stata 14 for hypothesis testing. The research results show that financial literacy has a positive and significant effect on financial satisfaction; while financial socialization has no significant effect on financial satisfaction. Financial risk attitudes have a significant positive effect on facilitating the relationship between financial literacy and financial satisfaction. Financial risk attitudes also have a significant positive effect on moderating financial literacy and financial socialization on financial satisfaction. The findings of this research contribute to the financial satisfaction literature and encourage the successful delivery of financial services to the millennial generation, followed by recommendations for providing financial literacy for individuals. The results of this research can also be a reference for developing public policy.


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