Analysis of Induction Motor Performance Using Motor Current Signature Analysis Technique

Ramadoni Syahputra, Hedi Purwanto, Rama Okta Wiyagi, Muhamad Yusvin Mustar, Indah Soesanti


This paper discusses the analysis of the performance of an induction motor using the motor current signature analysis (MCSA) technique. Induction motor is a type of electric machine that is widely used in industry. One of the industries that utilize induction motors is a steam power plant (SPP). The role of induction motors is very vital in SPP operations. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the performance, stability, and efficiency to anticipate disturbances that can cause damage or decrease the life of the induction motor. MCSA is a reliable technique that can be used to analyze damage to an induction motor. In this technique, the induction motor current signal is detected using a current transducer. The signal is then passed on to the signal conditioning and then into the data acquisition device. The important signal data is analyzed in adequate computer equipment. The results of this analysis determine the condition of the induction motor, whether it is normal or damaged. In this research, a case study was carried out at the Rembang steam power plant, Central Java, Indonesia. The results of the analysis of several induction motors show that most of them are in normal conditions and are still feasible to operate.


Induction motor; steam power plant; damage; motor current signature analysis

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