PDC Control for Mobile Robot Formations with Virtual Reference Based on Separation-Bearing

Mamat Septyan


This paper presents a development of leader-follower formation control using separation-bearing control (SBC) and Parallel Distribution Compensation (PDC) control. The formation control involves tracking of each desired trajectory by leader and follower robots. The follower trajectory is generated using SBC approach with respect to predefined trajectory of the leader. This design is used to improve formation control when initial error is given to leader. In order to maintain the formation and avoid internal collision, the error tracking of each robot must be kept near zero. Each robot is controlled by kinematic and dynamics controller which is designed using PDC and PID. The velocity reference for dynamic robots is limited. The simulation result shows the tracking errors for position and orientation with initial lateral error set at 0.5 m are less than 0.5 m and 1.2 rad which then converges to the desired value. Thus, the good trajectory formation tracking is achieved.


SBC; PDC; Error Tracking; Kinematic; Dynamics Controller

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18196/jet.v6i1.14425


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