Performance Analysis of Lung Cancer Diagnosis Algorithms on X-Ray Images

Dhimas Arief Dharmawan, Latifah Listyalina


Among several types of cancer, lung cancer is regarded as one of the most common and serious. In this respect, early diagnosis is required and beneficial to reduce mortalities caused by this type of cancer. Such diagnosis is typically performed by doctors through manual examinations on X-Ray images. However, manual examinations are labor extensive and time consuming. In this paper, we conduct a study to analyze the performance of some computer-based lung cancer diagnosis algorithms. The algorithms are built using different feature extraction (gray-level co-occurrence matrix, pixel intensity, histogram and combination of the three) and machine learning (Multi-layer Perceptron and K-Nearest Neighbor) techniques and the performance of each algorithm is compared and analyzed. The result of the study shows that the best performance of lung cancer classification is obtained by the computer algorithm that uses the combined features to characterize lung cancer and subsequently classifies the features using Multi-layer Perceptron.


Feature extraction, Lung cancer, Machine learning, X-Ray images

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