Retinal Blood Vessel Segmentation as a Tool to Detect Diabetic Retinopathy

Dhimas Arief Dharmawan, Latifah Listyalina


The retina is an important part of the eye for humans. Inbesides its main function as part of the sense of sight, in the worldmedically, the retina after an image can be used to detect a numberdiseases, such as diabetic retinopathy. To detect a number of diseases,Retinal digital images taken using a digital fundus camera are used.In detecting diabetic retinopathy, digital images are neededsegmented retina. Nevertheless, automatic segmentation of digital imagesthe retina is a complex work, given the presence of artifactsas well as noise on the retinal digital image, evenly illuminated, intensitylow, low contrast, and varying lengths of retinal blood vessels.In this research, a blood vessel segmentation software system has been designed through three stagesimage processing, namely (i) preprocessing, (ii) improving image quality, (iii) andsegmentation of retinal blood vessels. With three image processing stages, the performance value is obtained, i.e. 84.62.


Retina, Vessel, Diabetic, Segmentation

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