Retinal Digital Image Quality Improvement as A Diabetes Retinopatic Disease Detection Effort
Image processing, retinal imagery, diabetic retinopathyAbstract
Image processing is a technical term useful for modifying images in various ways. In medicine, image processing has a vital role. One example of images in the medical world, namely retinal images, can be obtained from a fundus camera. The retina image is useful in the detection of diabetic retinopathy. In general, direct observation of diabetic retinopathy is conducted by a doctor on the retinal image. The weakness of this method is the slow handling of the disease. For this reason, a computer system is required to help doctors detect diabetes retinopathy quickly and accurately. This system involves a series of digital image processing techniques that can process retinal images into good quality images. In this research, a method to improve the quality of retinal images was designed by comparing the methods for adjusting histogram equalization, contrast stretching, and increasing brightness. The performance of the three methods was evaluated using Mean Square Error (MSE), Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR), and Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR). Low MSE values and high PSNR and SNR values indicated that the image had good quality. The results of the study revealed that the image was the best to use, as evidenced by the lowest MSE values and the highest SNR and PSNR values compared to other techniques. It indicated that adaptive histogram equalization techniques could improve image quality while maintaining its information.
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