Penggunaan Khelator Besi dalam Terapi

Isnatin Miladiyah


Iron is essential for numerous crucial biochemical reactions ranging from cellular respiration in mitochondria to DNA synthesis. Neoplastic cells have a high iron requirement because of their rapid rate ofproliferation. The close linkage between cell proliferation and iron lead to suggestion that iron deprivation could be a useful strategy for inhibition of tumor cell growth. In vitro and in vivo studies showed that iron chelator desferrioxamine (DFO) that has been traditionally used in the treatment of iron overload, showed ability to limit growth of tumor cells. Iron chelators demonstrated ability to inhibit tumor cell growth by their activity to induce apoptosis and inhibit cell cycle progression, particularly the G/S transition. This article reviews role of iron in carcinogenesis and mechanism of actions of iron chelators in the treatment of cancer.


Besi berperan dalam berbagai reaksi biokimia penting mulai dari respirasi seluler di mitokondria sampai sintesis DNA. Sel-sel neoplasma membutuhkan besi dalam jumlah besar karena pertumbuhannya cepat. Hubungan erat antara proliferasi sel dengan besi menimbulkan pemikiran bahwa pengurangan kadar besi mungkin dapat menjadi salah satu strategi dalam menghambat pertumbuhan tumor. Khelator besi desferioksamin (DFO) yang secara tradisional telah digunakan secara luas untuk terapi keracunan besi ternyata mampu menghambat pertumbuhan berbagai sel kanker baik in vitro maupun in vivo. Khelator besi mampu menghambat pertumbuhan tumor melalui induksi apoptosis dan hambatan pada siklus sel terutama pada fase G/S. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menelaah lebih lengkap mengenai peran besi dalam proses karsinogenesis dan bagaimana mekanisme keija khelator besi dalam terapi kanker.


carcinogenesis; iron; iron chelator; besi; karsinogenesis; khelator besi; terapi kanker

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