Prevalensi Filariasis dan Perilaku Penduduk Desa Rami Pasai dan Betung dalam Pengobatan Filariasis

Adi Heru Sutomo


In Indonesia, the number of filariasis prevalence is not quite clear, and as a result there may be a confusing problem on the estimation itself Therefore, based on the problem, a simple survey was performed in the Province of Sumatera Selatan, Indonesia. The result of this field survey showed that filariasis prevalence in general was decreased already as the result of mass DEC treatment, except in some specific areas. Some specific cases in the field were founded, for example the distribution of the drugs among the people in those areas, including respon-dents who were chosen as samples, the clinical signs and the people mobiliza-tion. Based on this survey, there is a need to have a more strategic program to eradicate filariasis especially in the remote areas of Indonesia.

Di Indonesia jumlah prevalensi filariasis agak tidak jelas, sehingga mungkin angka perkiraannya sendiri juga membingungkan. Oleh karena itu, berdasarkan masalah tersebut, suatu survai sederhana dilakukan di propinsi Sumatera Selatan, Indonesia. Hasil survai lapangan menunjukkan bahwa secara umum prevalensi filariasis sudah menurun sebagai hasil dari pengobatan DEC masai kecuali di beberapa tempat khusus. Beberapa kasus khusus ditemukan di lapangan, sebagai contoh distribusi obat di antara penduduk di tempat-tempat tersebut termasuk responden yang dipilih sebagai subyek, tanda-tanda klinis dan mobilisasi penduduk. Berdasarkan survey ini, diperlukan suatu program yang lebih strategis untuk membasmi filariasis terutama di daerah pedalaman Indonesia.


filariasis; prevalence; mass DEC treatment; prevalensi; pengobatan DEC masal

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