Efek Ekstrak Etanol Daun Keladi Tikus (Typhonium flagelliforme Lodd.) pada Invasi Sel Kanker Lidah Manusia (SP-C1) in vitro

Yulida Zakiyana, - Supriatno, Ana Medawati


The aim of study was to examine the anti invasion potency ethanolic extract of Typhonium flagelliforme Lodd. leaves toward the growth inhibition of human oral tongue cancer cell Supri ’s Clone-1 (SP-C1). The design of this study was pure laboratory experimental research with the sample of human oral tongue cancer cell (SP-C1). SP-C1 invasion was inhibitad by ethanolic extract of Typhonium flagelliforme Lodd. leaves in some concentrations (0, 25, 50, 75, 100, 125 pg/ml). The samples were then incubated in 24 hours. As a control SP-C1 was grown in Rosswell Park Memorial Institute 1640 (RPMI-1640). Boyden chamber kit were used in the study. Result of the study showed that ethanolic extract of Typhonium flagelliforme Lodd. leaves was markedly inhibit the invasion of SP-C1 cell. The concentration of 125 pg/ml was found ethanolic extract of Typhonium flagelliforme Lodd. leaves has more to inhibit potency the invasion of SP-C1 cell. The conclusion ethanolic extract of Typhonium flagelliforme Lodd. leaves has significant invasion to inhibit potency the invasion of human oral tongue cancer cell line (SP-C1).

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji efek ekstrak etanol daun tanaman keladi tikus (Typhonium flagelliforme Lodd.) terhadap invasi sel kanker lidah manusia (SP-C1). Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimental laboratoris murni terhadap sel kanker lidah manusia (SP-C1) yang diberi perlakuan dengan ekstrak etanol daun tanaman keladi tikus. Biakan sel SP-C1 diinkubasikan dengan ekstrak etanol daun keladi tikus dalam berbagai konsentrasi (0, 25, 50, 75, 100, 125 pg/ml) selama 24 jam, sebagai kontrol negatif digunakan biakan sel SP-C1 dalam Rosswell Park Memorial Institute 1640 (RPMI-1640). Alat ukur yang digunakan untuk mengetahui aktivitas invasi sel SP-C1 setelah diberi perlakuan ekstrak etanol daun tanaman keladi tikus menggunakan alat Boyden chamber. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan penurunan jumlah biakan sel SP-C1 secara signifikan terlihat pada perlakuan dengan ekstrak etanol daun keladi tikus konsentrasi 125 pg/ml dibandingkan kontrol maupun kelompok perlakuan. Disimpulkan bahwa ekstrak etanol daun keladi tikus mempunyai pengaruh signifikan dalam menghambat invasi sel SP-C1.


invasi; kanker lidah manusia; daun keladi tikus; Boyden chamber; invasion; the human oral tongue cancer cell; Typhonium flagelliforme Lodd. leaves; Boyden chamber

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18196/mmjkk.v10i2.1579


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