Respon Akut Tekanan Darah terhadap Konsumsi Daging Kambing

Ikhlas Muhammad Jenie, Danisworo K. Adi


Hypertension, a risk factor for cardiovascular events, is related to diet. Consumption of red meat in the long terms will increase saturated fatty acid concentration and body mass index. However, there is no report yet of the effect of consumption of red meat in the short terms. The aim of this research is to examine the acute effect of goat and beef meat to blood pressure. It is an experimental, randomized, single blinded study, pretest and posttest comparison between subjects design, in 28 male normotensive young adults. The inclusion criteria were age 20-25years old, body mass index 18-25 m/kg2, systolic blood pressure < 140 mmHg, and diastolic blood pressure < 90 mmHg. The exclusion criteria were a smoker, a caffein addicted, and had chronic diseases, such as kidney failure, hepatic chirrosis, and diabetes mellitus. Sample was then randomly divided into two groups: consumption of goat meat and of beef meat. Both goat and beef meat was cooked as sate, eat as much as 100 gr for each subject, with rice and mineral water. Blood pressure was measured before and after eating sate. Data was analyzed using independet t test and general linear model repeated measutements. There were no any significant differences in terms of age, BMI, systolic and diastolic blood pressure between goat and beef meat consumption groups. Systolic, but not diastolic, blood pressure after consumption of goat sate was significantly higher than of beef meat. The response of blood pressure, both systolic and diastolic, was positive to goat meat sate consumption but negative to beef meat consumption. There was interaction between groups, time of measurements, and types of meat. As a conclusion, the consumption of goat, but not beef, meat will increase blood pressure in male normotensive young aduts.

Diet mempengaruhi tekanan darah. Penderita hipertensi disarankan untuk mengurangi konsumsi daging. Telah dilaporkan efek konsumsi daging dalam jangka lama terhadap kejadian hipertensi, namun belum diketahui efek konsumsi daging secara akut terhadap tekanan darah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji efek akut konsumsi daging kambing dan sapi terhadap tekanan darah pada laki-laki dewasa muda normotensif. Desain penelitian adalah eksperimental, acak, buta tunggal, perbandingan antardua kelompok, dengan pengukuran pre- dan post-test. Subyek penelitian sebanyak 28 laki-laki dewasa muda, usia usia 20-25 tahun, indeks masa tubuh 18-25 m/kg2, tekanan darah < 140/90 mmHg, bukan perokok, peminum kopi, dan penderita penyakit kronis. Subyek diukur tekanan darah istirahat dalam posisi duduk dengan menggunakan sphygmomanometer air raksa, kemudian secara acak subyek mendapat sate daging kambing atau sapi sebanyak 100 gram dan diukur kembali tekanan darah istirahat sesudah makan. Kedua kelompok tidak berbeda bermakana dalam usia, indeks masa tubuh, dan tekanan darah. Tekanan darah sistolik sesudah makan lebih bermakna daripada sebelum makan pada kelompok daging kambing, namun tidak pada kelompok daging sapi. Respon tekanan darah terhadap konsumsi daging kambing adalah positif, sedangkan respon tekanan darah terhadap konsumsi daging sapi adalah negatif. Terdapat interaksi antara kelompok perlakuan, waktu pengukuran, dan jenis daging. Disimpulkan bahwa secara akut, konsumsi daging kambing, namun tidak daging sapi, meningkatkan tekanan darah pada laki-laki dewasa muda normotensif.


akut; daging; normotensif; tekanan darah; acute; blood pressure; normotensive; red meat

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