Deteksi Resistensi Larva Aedes aegypti dengan Uji Biokimia Berdasarkan Aktivitas Enzim Esterase di Kabupaten Bantul DIY

Rizki Anindita, Tri Wulandari Kesetyaningsih


Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever is a health problem in Indonesia, including the Bantul District, Yogyakarta. This disease is transmitted over a bite of Aedes sp mosquitoes. Preventive action is done by vanishing DHF vectors along with its nest. In Yogyakarta 1974, the usage of chemical insecticide, e.g. organofosfat (temefos, malathion), became a choice. In fact, the usage of temefos and malathion in a long period of time are potentially causing a resistance effect. This research aims to find out the resistance status of Aedes aegypti larvae in Bantul District with a biochemical assay based on the activity increase of esterase enzyme. Research is done non-experimentally with quantitative measurement for its result. Larva samples were collected from three villages, which are DHF endemic area. To detect the activity of esterase enzyme, a biochemical assay was used in this research by creating a reaction between larvae homogenate and a naphtyl acetat substrate. The results of reaction were read using ELISA reader with a wavelength of450 nm. Overall, the research results show that 84.45% larvae are still susceptible, 13.33% larvae are mild resistance, and 2.22% larvae are high resistance to insecticide. The statistic result with oneway ANOVA (a = 0.877) shows that there is no significant differentiation on the resistance status of larvae among the three villages. The result indicates that the insecticide resistance tendency of Aedes aegypti larvae in Bantul District, Yogyakarta, is still low (a > 0.05).

Penyakit Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD) merupakan masalah kesehatan di Indonesia, termasuk Kabupaten Bantul DIY! Penyakit ini ditularkan melalui gigitan nyamuk Aedes sp. Pencegahan dilakukan dengan memberantas vektor beserta sarangnya. Di Yogyakarta sendiri sejak tahun 1974, pemakaian insektisida kimiawi seperti insektisida organofosfat (temefos, malathion) menjadi pilihan. Tetapi pemberian temefos dan malathion dalam jangka waktu lama berpotensi menyebabkan resistensi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui status resistensi larva Aedes aegypti di Kabupaten Bantul berdasarkan peningkatan aktivitas enzim esterase dengan uji biokimia. Penelitian dilakukan secara non eksperimental dengan pengukuran hasil secara kuantitatif. Sampel larva dikoleksi dari 3 dusun yang termasuk daerah endemik DBD. Untuk mendeteksi aktivitas enzim esterase dilakukan pengujian secara biokimiawi dengan mereaksikan homogenat larva dengan substrat d naphtylacetat, kemudian hasil reaksi dibaca dengan menggunakan ELISA reader dengan panjang gelombang 450 nm. Hasil penelitian secara keseluruhan menunjukkan bahwa 84,45% larva masih rentan(SS), 13,33 % larva resisten sedang (RS), dan 2,22 % larva resisten tinggi (RR) terhadap insektisida. Hasil uji statistik oneway ANOVA (a = 0,877) menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna mengenai status resistensi larvaAedes aegypti di antara semua dusun. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa kecenderungan resistensi larva Aedes aegypti terhadap insektisida di Kabupaten Bantul DIY masih belum tinggi (a > 0,05).


Aedes aegypti; Demam Berdarah Dengue; esterase; malathion; organofosfat; resistensi; temefos; uji biokimia; Aedes aegypti; biochemical assay; Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever; esterase; malathion; organofosfat; resistance; temefos

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