Uji Toksisitas Kurkumin pada Kultur Sel Luteal

Zulkhah Noor


Cur cumin, an active substance of turmerics (Curcuma domestica Val.; Cur-cuma xanthorhiza Robx.), is found to be an anti-fertility substance. The re¬search was aimed to examine the toxicity of curcumin to ovarian cell, espe¬cially luteal cell and to investigate the threshold of curcumin toxicity to luteal¬cell culture.
The sample used were luteal cell cultures of 3-day-old corpus luteum of immature Sprague-Dawley rats which received ovulation induction of 8 iu PMSG. Luteal cell cultures were divided into 7 groups (n-10), each of which was given curcumin (mg/ml) 0 (vehicle); 0.075; 0.15; 0.3; 0.6; 1.2; 2.4, and incubated for 24 hours. Toxicity effect of curcumin was counted by hemocy- tometer with trypan blue. The difference of alive-cell number of each group was tested statistically with student t-test and Cythopatic Effect (CPE.J is counted with Reed & Muench formulation.
Student t-test of mean data of alive cell showed significant difference (p<0.05) between the control group and groups which were given curcumin the same or greater than 0.15 mg/ml. Cythopatic Effect (CPE30) of curcumin to cell luteal culture is 0.55 mg/ml.

Kurkumin zat aktif yang terdapat dalam rimpang kunyit (curcuma domestica Val), temulawak (Curcuma xanthorriza Robx) dan beberapa marga curcuma, ditemukan memiliki efek anti fertilitas. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk uji toksisitas kurkumin pada sel ovarium untuk mengetahui ambang batas kurkumin yang menyebabkan kematian sel (toksis).
Sampel penelitian adalah kultur sel luteal dari korpus luteum umur tiga hari dari tikus Sprague Dawley prepubertal yang mendapat induksi ovulasi dengan 8 iu PMSG. Kultur sel luteal dikelompokkam menjadi 7 kelompok (n=10), masing-masing kelompok mendapat kurkumin kadar bertingkat(mg/ml) 0; 0,075,0,15; 0,3; 0,6; 1,2; dan 2,4; kemudian diinkubasi selama 24 jam . Efek toksis kurkumin (kematian sel) dihitung menggunakan hemositometer dengan zat warna tripan blue. Perbedaan jumlah sel hidup tiap kelompok di uji dengan student t-test. Sedangkan Cythopatic Effect (CPE50) dihitung dengan rumus Reed & Muench.
Student t-test rerata data sel luteal hidup menunjukkan perbedaan bermakna p<0,05) antara kelompok kontrol dengan kelompok yang mendapat kurkumin mulai konsentrasi 0,15 mg/ml. Perhitungan Cythopatic Effect (CPE50) kadar kurkumin sintesis mumi dalam metanol yang menyebabkan kematian sel luteal umur tiga hari sebanyak 50% adalah 0,55 mg/ml.


Kurkumin; toksisitas; sel luteal; Curcumin; Toxicity; cell luteal

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18196/mmjkk.v1i2.1907


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