Determination of Stunting Risk Factors Using Spatial Interpolation Geographically Weighted Regression Kriging in Malang

Henny Pramoedyo, Mudjiono Mudjiono, Adji Achmad Fernandes, Deby Ardianti, Kurniawati Septiani


Stunting is the condition toddlers have Stunting is the condition toddlers have less length or height if compared to age. The high percentage of stunting is influenced by several factors, namely access to healthy latrines, quality drinking water, hand washing behavior with soap, coverage of posyandu access and coverage of breast milk 1-6 months, and there are indications that if an area has a high stunting percentage, then there is a possibility that the nearest area has the same condition. So, the statistic method for this research use the spatial interpolation Geographically Weighted Regression Kriging. Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) is a weighted regression in which the weighting function is used to describe the closeness of relations between regions. The weight used is distance based weight dan weighting by area (contiguity). Ordinary kriging method calculated with semivariogram which is one function to describe and model the spatial autocorrelation between data of a variable and function as a measure of variance. The results showed that based on value GWR model with weight Fixed Gaussian Kernel better to use then the weighted GWR model Rook Contiguity. The Predicted of prevelensi stunting in the form of map based on interpolation GWR Kriging.
Keywords: Stunting, GWR, and Kriging.


GWR, Kriging, Stunting

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