Efektivitas Salep Kitosan terhadap Penyembuhan Luka Bakar Kimia pada Rattus norvegicus

Fitri Rizkia Putri, Sri Tasminatun


Proses penyembuhan luka adalah satu respon terkoordinasi pada cedera jaringan yang menghasilkan kontraksi jaringan, penutupan luka, dan pemulihan. Penelitian sebelumnya telah menunjukkan bahwa salep kitosan kadar 2,5% efektif dalam mempercepat penyembuhan luka dan meningkatkan persentase penyembuhan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efek kitosan terhadap gambaran histologis penyembuhan luka bakar kimia pada kulit melaui pengamatan ketebalan epitel dan jumlah fibroblas. Studi in vivo, tikus Sprague Dawley dibagi menjadi enam kelompok, kontrol tanpa perlakuan, kontrol vaselin, kontrol Bioplacenton®, salep kitosan dosis 1,25%, 2,5%, dan 5%. Punggung tikus diinduksi luka bakar derajat tiga dengan asam sulfat 75%. Formula kitosan dioleskan tiap hari sampai kriteria sembuh terkonfirmasi. Jaringan kulit yang telah sembuh dibuat preparat histologi dengan pewarnaan HE kemudian diukur ketebalan epitel dan jumlah fibroblasnya. Data dianalisis dengan ANOVA satu arah, dilanjutkan dengan LSD. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ketebalan epitel paling tipis dihasilkan oleh salep kitosan 5% (13,31 ± 4,05) dengan nilai signifikansi (p = 0,015). Jumlah fibroblas yang paling sedikit dihasilkan oleh salep kitosan 5% (49, 80 ± 6,01 sel) dengan nilai signifikansi (p = 0,000). Penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa dosis salep kitosan terbaik adalah 5%.


The process of wound healing is a set of coordinated responses to tissue injury that results in tissue contraction, closure, and restoration. Previous study had shown that chitosan ointment 2,5% is effective in promoting wound healing and increasing healing percentage. This experiment has aim to gain the chitosan effect on histological properties in chemical burn healing of skin through epithelial thickness and number of fibroblast observation. In in vivo studies, rats Sprague Dawley were divided into six groups; control without treatment, vaseline control, Bioplacenton® control, chitosan ointment dose 1.25 %, 2.5%, and 5%. A third degree burn of the backskin was performed by 75% sulfate acid. Chitosan formulations were day repeatedly applied on the burned areas until the final healing process criterias were confirmed. Healing tissue was evaluated by histology preparation with HE staining then its epithelial thickness and number of fibroblast were measured. The datas were analyzed by one way ANOVA, followed by LSD. The results indicated that the thinnest epithelial thickness was showed on chitosan 5 % (13.31 ± 4.05) with a value of significance (p=0,015). The fewest number of fibroblast is performed on chitosan 5% (49, 80 ± 6.01 cells) with a value of significance (p = 0,000). This study proved the best chitosan ointment dose is 5%.


kitosan; luka bakar kimia; penyembuhan; gambaran histologis; chitosan; chemical burn wound; healing; histologic appearence

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18196/mmjkk.v12i1.997


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