Improving YOLO Object Detection Performance on Single-Board Computer using Virtual Machine

Muhamad Amirul Haq, Le Nam Quoc Huy, Nuniek Fahriani


Single-board computers have gained popularity in the recent decade, largely due to the immense advancements in deep learning. Deep learning involves complex computational processes that are beyond the capabilities of regular microcontrollers, thus necessitating the use of single-board computers. However, single-board computers are primarily designed to operate efficiently in low-power environments. Therefore, optimization is crucial for running deep learning algorithms effectively on single-board computers. In this work, we explore the impact of utilizing the DeepStream framework to run deep learning algorithms, specifically the YOLO algorithm, on NVIDIA Jetson single-board computers. The DeepStream framework can be executed in virtual machines, notably Docker, to improve the performance and portability of the model. Additionally, deploying the Docker virtual machine from removable disks can further enhance its portability and even increase the algorithm's speed. Our benchmarks indicate that real-time streaming of the YOLO algorithm can operate up to 8.5 times faster when deployed from a Docker virtual machine.


Deep learning, single-board computer, virtual machine, edge computing, optimization

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