Discrete Curvelet Transform Feature Extraction for Mangosteen Fruit Surface Damage Detection

Nafi Ananda Utama, Wahyu Indah Triyani, Slamet Riyadi, Cahya Damarjati


Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L) is one of the commodities of Indonesian fruit and is used as an export primadona that became the basis of Indonesia to increase the currency of the country. The quality of the fruit can be seen from the surface, whether there is damage or not. The sorting that the farmers have been doing all this time is still using the conventional way, that is, with the sense of sight. This conventional method seems to be less effective because it takes a lot of energy, takes a long time, and there are different perceptions between farmers. To solve this problem, a method of surface quality extraction of mango fruit will be developed based on image processing. The initial stage of image processing is with the image size equation then the image is converted to grayscale mode, then a discrete curvelet transformation is performed. The next stage is the extraction of mean, energy, entropy, standard deviation, variance, sum, correlation, contrast, and homogeneity. The result of the subsequent feature extraction is used to enter a value at the classification stage. From some of these extractions it will be known which extraction has the highest accuracy value. The method of classification used is Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) with the method of K-Fold Cross Validation which in this study is divided into 4-fold cross validation. After testing on 120 images, the highest value of accuracy is with extraction of standard characteristics deviation of 91.7% and variance of 88.4%.


Discrete curvelet transformation; Feature extraction; Image processing

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18196/eist.v5i1.22602


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