Desain dan Simulasi Dental Implant Resistens Menggunakan Finite Elemen Analysis

Firman Firdhaus, Handoko Handoko


Tooth decay is a developmental disorder and trauma that causes tooth extraction. The solution is to make dental implants and dentures to restore normal contours, function, comfort, aesthetics, speech, and health. However, the problem of complications that arise is also a concern to be resolved; this occurs due to damage to the dental implant component itself. Based on these problems, it is necessary to conduct research to produce dental implants with good strength and service life by considering the value of stress and force distribution. This study discusses the differences in implant designs with different thread geometries: square, buttress, standard V-thread, and reverse buttress. This study used a static test in FEA (finite element analysis) SOLIDWORKS software using the ISO 14801 standard, using a loading of 100 N, the direction of vertical loading is 00, and using TiZr (Titanium Zirconium) material in the implant. The simulation results are validated by comparing the von Mises current study value with the existing research literature with a limit of ±5%. After the validation results are appropriate, the results are analyzed. The results of this study indicate that the buttress-type dental implant design is the most suitable dental implant to be applied. This is supported by the high value of the buttress type von Mises, which is 14.4 MPa. As for the square type, standard V-thread and reverse buttress type have a von Mises value of 13.8 MPa, 12.5 MPa, and 13.8 MPa. In addition, the profile of the buttress type is also very consistent, according to some literature, because it increases the transfer of stress to the surrounding bone according to the symmetrical profile.


Dental Implants; TiZr; Static Tests; Finite Element Analysis; Von Mises.

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