Islamic Resilience of Marginal School Communities Management in An Effort to Educational Transformation

Fitriah M. Suud, Awang Dhany Armansyah


Learning for marginalized children has taken place in conditions not befitting other schools in general. There are many challenges faced by students and school managers, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study aims to analyze Islamic resilience implemented by marginal school managers to strive for educational transformation. This qualitative study used a case study approach, with data collected through interviews and direct observations in the research location. The results show that the dimensions of Islamic resilience implemented by MSC management are optimism, problem analysis, empathy, and self-confidence. The belief that God does not give burdens beyond human ability and that the best human beings are those that benefit others is a strength for school administrators to remain as members for marginalized children to continue their education. The learning concept of the Marginal School Community is oriented toward children, adjusting to their age level, with reading, writing, mathematical materials, creativity, and religious material. The learning methods employed include learning by doing, learning while playing, and outings. The curriculum used in marginal schools is inclusive and accessible, developed by the MSC curriculum team. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, learning is still conducted face-to-face, albeit with reduced learning hours and the number of MSC volunteers attending classes. The strategy for maintaining learning consistency in marginal schools is achieved through open recruitment of volunteers and internal reinforcement or team building.


Marginal Schools; Educational Transformation; Islamic Resilience; Educational Psychology.

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