Nilai-Nilai Perdamaian dalam Buku Teks Pendidikan Agama Islam (Akhlak) di Sekolah Muhammadiyah

Nurwanto Nurwanto, Muhammad Azhar, Marsudi, Marsudi, Ghoffar Ismail


The article examines whether the textbooks on Islamic Ethics (akhlak) taught in-the Muhammadiyah schools promote peace. Studying the content of schools’ text-books is nececessary due to the increase of social conflicts and violent actions among-students. In particular, this article explores the Islamic teaching of peace within-Islamic Ethics textbooks published by the Board of Basic and Secondary Education-of Muhammadiyah (DIKDASMEN) in Yogyakarta Special Territory. By the use of-content analysis, this article finds that teaching materials in the Islamic Ethics text--books promote the values of peace. However, the texbooks editing quality needs to-be improved so that the narrratives (story tellings) and pictures (ilustration) can fit-the students’ needs


Peace; Textbook; Islamic Ethics; Muhammadiyah

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