Social and environmental disclosure in Indonesia: Does ownership matter?

Nurnika Asri Dewi, Setianingtyas Honggowati


Research aims: This study aims to analyze the effect of ownership structure on social and environmental disclosure in the annual reports of companies in Indonesia.
Design/Methodology/Approach: This study used 208 panel data from 52 companies in the mining and real estate and building construction sectors. The dependent variable in this study was obtained by analyzing the content of the company's annual report. The hypothesis in this study was then tested using multiple linear regression.
Research findings: The regression test results revealed that institutional ownership and managerial ownership had a significant effect on social and environmental disclosure. In contrast, multiple large shareholder structures (MLSS) had an insignificant effect on social and environmental disclosure.
Theoretical contribution/Originality: This study enriches the literature about social and environmental disclosure with a new approach named SEDI. In addition, this research contributes to the scrutiny of the effect of MLSS on social and environmental disclosure, especially in the Indonesian context. This study also provides empirical evidence on the influence of ownership structure on social and environmental disclosure.
Research limitation/Implication: This research was only limited to companies with many contacts with social and environmental issues, namely mining, agriculture, and real estate and building construction. Meanwhile, other companies are expected to be scrutinized in future research.


Social and Environment Disclosure Index; MLSS; Ownership Structure

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