Studi Kinerja Inlet Persegi Panjang sebagai Drainase Jalan

Burhan Barid, Gea Iman Setiawan, Nursetiawan Nursetiawan


High rainfall condition, especially in tropical countries, often cause flooding or inundation on road section, especially urban road. Puddles that do not enter or are hampered can cause damage to the road. This can be overcome by the inlet design of the road drainage channel that is suitable for the conditions in the field. By paying attention to the distance between inlets, dimensions, and inlet types adjusted to the rainwater discharge and the width of the existing road. Street Inlet is a hole on the sides of the road that serves to accommodate and distribute rainwater runoff along the road leading into the drainage channel.The research was carried out on a prototype that describes the condition of the highway with street inlet modifications such as conditions in the field. The method of analyzing surface runoff in the use of rational methods, inlet dimension analysis is used in the applicable hydraulic rules. The input data used are rainfall data, type of road, type of inlet street, rain runoff or inundation, drainage channel conditions, linear regression. This study discusses the performance of the road inlet to reduce inundation due to rain runoff (with a model of a rectangular inlet on the shoulder of the road). In the research carried out the type of inlet that will be used is the gutter inlet which has a horizontal opening.




street inlet, genangan, limpasan, intensitas hujan

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