Kajian Kehandalan Saluran Drainase dengan Pendekatan Metode First-Order Second Momentdan Safety Factor

Asep Ferdiansyah, Eka Oktariyanto Nugroho, Agung Wiyono Hadi Soeharno


The growth and development of big cities in Indonesia is quite fast. Especially the city of Bandung which is the center of tourism in the West Java region. Ir. H. Juanda street is one of the access to tourism places in Bandung City and is an icon of Bandung City. In addition, Ir.H Juandastreet has problems, namely high levels of congestion and flooding in the rainy season. The last ten years the Jalan Ir.H. Djuanda always floods when there is heavy rain. This causes puddles of water to enter the Jalan Ir. H. Juanda section, namely from Pasar Simpang to Dago Terminal. This has an impact on road damage, drainage, and congestion. To determine the risk of overflow of the channel in the study area as a result of various amounts of flood discharge, carried outthree analyzes stages, namely hydrological analysis to determine the amount of return period discharge, hydraulic analysis to identify overflow points and improvement scenarios and reliability analysis using the safety factor and first-order-second moment methods. The results of the analysis show that there are 2 points that have the opportunity for overflow, namely at the location of the Al-Ihsan Mosque and the Honda Workshop. The solution given to overcome this is to normalize the drainage with a size of 1.5 m x 1.5 m from upstream to downstream.The results showed that the reliability of the channel increased to 92.96% (Two Years Return Period Discharge), 88.54% (Five Years Return Period Discharge) and 85.81% (Ten Years Return Period Discharge) for the Al-Ihsan Mosque channel and 100% (Two Years Return Period Discharge), 99.98% (Five Years Return Period Discharge) and 99.92% (Ten Years Return Period Discharge) for the Honda Workshop channel. The method in the risk analysis above can relate the probability of failure or exceedance to the expected success of the function of a drainage cross-sectional structure in accommodating flood flows.


Safety Factor; FOSM; Risiko; Dago; Banjir

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18196/bce.v2i2.15514


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