Pembelajaran Engineering Design Process untuk Memperkenalkan Proses Pembelajaran Abad 21 pada Siswa Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Raudhatul Qur’an

Deny Nusyirwan, Eko Prayetno, Sapta Nugraha, Harits Aditya Nugraha, Lilis Agustina Sinaga, Allysia Shafira, Muhammad Abyan Fadillah


From age two, children strive to be more independent, and they also need encouragement to make simple choices in their lives. The level of independence of children must be following their ages, abilities, and activities. Since children’s education through over-regulation is inappropriate, we should encourage them to draw and make games instead. Children need to learn to plan their activities so that they can develop their creativity. Based on that background, community service programs by introducing Tech for Kids are necessary. This method focused on learning the Engineering Design Process, which is a 21st Century learning model. This program aimed to introduce children to the design process. Design is the study of the aesthetics and uses of things in everyday life. However, professional designers sometimes have a complex multi-step process for creating and improving plans to solve problems. Engineering design is a user-centered design process. The process starts with ethnography to produce a prototype as a solution concept that suits the community’s needs. The methods applied in the implementation of the service program are tutorials and mentoring practices. The results of the community service program show that social and cross-cultural knowledge and skills in children or students increase with indicators of presentation of work results as confirmed by the results of the skill test, which increased from level 1 to 3.


children, engineering design; drawing; Tech for Kids; learning model

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