Penggunaan Video Animasi Pembelajaran bagi Guru Sekolah Dasar
Mu’tasim Billah, Titi Susilowati, Fransisca Asteria Nandra Febiola, Rina Yulianti, Rachmad Ramadhan Yogaswara, Nove Kartika Erliyanti, Erwan Adi Saputro
The Covid-19 (Coronavirus Disease 2019) pandemic has had some effect on the development of children's education because they have to learn independently online. Online learning is a big challenge for schools, teachers, and parents because they are required to be able to manage and design learning media to achieve learning goals and prevent student boredom during online learning. This article describes one of the learning media for elementary school students by making animated videos that can be easily understood. The goal was to provide learning methods to attract students' interest in online learning during the pandemic. This learning model emphasizedvisualization and summary explanation of the material. Community service partners, in this case, are teachers at SD Sumberwindu I, Tanjung Anom District, Nganjuk Regency, and 5th-grade students. Activities are carried out by identifying school problems and training in making animated videos. While using the animated video, the learning purpose will be easy to achieve. This also increases the motivation of the students to be more active in learning by their shelf and seeking new knowledge related to the video. In this community service, we introduced learning materials in the form of animated videos and uploaded them to a YouTube channel. Those videos can be accessed either by teachers or students. This learning model was well-received and well-appreciated by the teachers and students.
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