Pengolahan Empon-Empon Menjadi Minuman Kesehatan Berbasis Zero Waste Home Industry

Iis Wahyuningsih, Lina Widiyastuti


Gedoro village is one of the villages in Nglegi, Patuk, Gunung Kidul. This village is located in the north area of
Gunung Kidul. This is an agricultural conservation area of herb Some of them are Zingiber oficinale (jahe), Curcuma
xanthorrhiza (temulawak),Curcuma domestica (kunir) dan Cymbopogon citratus (serai). This village is located in
hills where the access to transportation is quite difficult. This problem often causes delays in harvest distribution, so
that a lot of herb rot before they are sold at the central market in Gunung Kidul. The survey result also showed that
the people in Gedoro Village have not had enough knowledge in processing empon-empon into processed products
that are able to increase its stability and durability when they are not immediately sold. Those problems are the
factors which cause decrease in economic value of herb. Herb actually has high price because it contains antioxidants
that can be used to treat cancer and degenerative diseases. The aim of this empowerment program is to
increase the knowledge of people in Gedoro Village in processing herb into healthy drinks based on zero waste
home industry with the women as the target. This program is in the format of KKN PPM which was given in the
form of counseling, training, practicing and accompanying the processing of empon-empon into healthy drinks.
This program is proven to be able to increase knowledge, skills and community participation as well as community
self-help in processing herb into healthy drinks.


herb; healthy drinks; women empowerment

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