Rumah Peduli Gizi untuk Pencegahan dan Pemulihan Gizi Berbasis Komunitas
Malnutrition caused by carbohydrate and / or protein deficiency still threatens Indonesian children, including nutritional
anemia due to iron deficiency, Iron deficiency anemia (IDA)which is the most prevalent anemia but neglected
by public attention. The participation of the community in the prevention and treatment of malnutrition in children
starts with the active participation of pregnant women in routine checks during pregnancy, supplementary feeding
to children under five and monitoring the nutritional status of their children. The role of health cadres in the
community is very important because they are the motor of community nutrition development activities in their
area. Community service is intended to prevent and improve malnutrition in children through improving the quality
of Posyandu (Pos Pelayanan Terpadu/Integrated Health Post) activities, monitoring of growth and health of under
five years old children and administration of supplementary feeding for infants and children. This program is
dedicated for increasing knowledge and skills of cadres and mothers of infants and under five year hildren in
Cokrowijayan and Sukunan villages in Banyuraden Village, Gamping Sub-District, Sleman . The activities carried
out in this service were in the form of malnutrition prevention and recovery workshops for children involving health
leaders in Cokrowijayan and Sukunan Villages in Banyuraden Village and village youth leaders, including theory
and practice. Additionally, there was assistance in measuring the anthropometry for growth monitoring. Other
assistance provided was in he form of additional food for infants and under five year children. In this program, Tim
of FKIK UMY (Medical Faculty Team of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta University) also carried out the assessment of
the knowledge and practice of mothers of infants and under five year children in terms of nutrition care. The
measurement results are reported descriptively and analytically.
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