Emerging Information Science and Technology

Emerging Information Science and Technology is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal which publishes high quality and state-of-the-art research articles in the area of information science and technology. The articles in this journal cover from theoretical, technical, empirical, and practical research. It is also an interdisciplinary journal that interested in both works from the boundaries of subdisciplines in Information Science and Technology and from the boundaries between Information Science and Technology with other disciplines.

EIST is an Open Access Journal to advance sharing science and technology. People have rights to read, download, copy, distribute, print and use with proper acknowledgment and citation. There is no publication fees for authors.

Publication frequency:  May and November

ISSN (print): 2722-6042

ISSN (online): 2722-6050

Online Submissions


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Call for Papers


Emerging Information Science and Technology opens submissions for publication in Vol 2 No 2 (November 2024).


Posted: 2024-07-12
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Vol 5, No 1 (2024): May

Table of Contents

Big Data

Cahya Damarjati

Internet of Things

Eko Prasetyo, Tossy Santoso, Slamet Riyadi, Asroni .

Software Engineering

Reza Giga Isnanda, Muhammad Ferdy Yosa, Asep Setiawan
Muhamad Amirul Haq, Le Nam Quoc Huy, Nuniek Fahriani
Ahmad Syafrudin, Jeckson Jeckson, Yenni Afrida

Intelligent Systems

Indira Prabasari, Afrizal Zuhri, Slamet Riyadi, Tony K Hariadi, Nafi Ananda Utama
Nafi Ananda Utama, Wahyu Indah Triyani, Slamet Riyadi, Cahya Damarjati