Partial Adaptive Multi-Level Block Truncation Coding (Ambtc) Of Spinal X-Ray Image For Efficient Compression

Cahya Damarjati


This study aims to explore various adaptations of the AMBTC compression model applied to lumbar spine radiographic images, focusing on minimizing image size while preserving essential information. The approach involves adjusting several technical aspects of the AMBTC model, including the number of blocks, block size, and compression rate. The quality of the compressed images is assessed using image quality metrics such as PSNR (Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio) and MSE (Mean Squared Error). The findings indicate that a modified AMBTC compression model can significantly enhance the quality of lumbar spine radiographic images, evidenced by increased PSNR values, while substantially reducing the file size without compromising crucial image details


AMBTC; Lumbar Spine; Radiographic

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