The Effect of External and Internal Factors on Financial Performance of Islamic Banking

Muhammad Istan, Mochammad Fahlevi


Macroeconomic factors and internal factors are variables that affect sharia banking. These factors are GDP, inflation, and interest rates, FDR, OER, which can affect directly or indirectly, the financial performance of sharia banks in Indonesia. The result has shown GDP has a significant positive effect on ROA, it is matching with several previous research, Inflation has no significant and negative effect on ROA, because when inflation central bank will give policy to increase BI rate, and sharia bank doesn’t affect with interest rate because interest is riba, interest rate has no significant effect on ROA because sharia bank doesn’t effect with interest but use profit and loss sharing to financing, so in macroeconomic the result only GDP has significant and positive effect on ROA. The result has shown FDR has no significant effect on ROA but has positive effect and the result match with previous research in relationship FDR and ROA, OER has a significant negative effect on ROA


GDP; Inflation; Interest Rate; FDR; ROA

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