Analysis Factors That Influence Associate Nurses Toward Decubitus Prevention On Bed Rest Patient In Intensive Care Unit At Ulin Banjarmasin Hospital

Meti Agustini, Dyah Yarlitasari Nurhikmah



Background: Hospital put patient safety as priority such as decubitus prevention to provides excellent service. The incidence of decubitus commonly occurs, such as in Western Europe generally occurs about 49%, 22% in North America, 50% in Australia, 29% in Jordan, and 33% in Indonesia. Nursing interventions to prevent decubitus is an indicator to assure the quality of nursing care. Nurses influenced by various factors toward decubitus prevention.

Objectives: Aim’s of this study is to analyze the factors that influence nurses through decubitus prevention on bed rest patient.

Methods: The population was all nurses in Intensive Care Unit at Ulin Hospital Banjarmasin (n=30)  this study used a cross sectional approach. Instrument research is a questionare and abservastion sheet which adopted from NPUAP 2014. The statistical test used multiple logistic regression with significance level of 0,05.

Results: A multivariate results found that factors associated with decubitus prevention are knowledge (0,401), attitude (0,464), encouragement nurses (0,530), and facilities and infrastructure (0,530), p-value < 0,05.

 Conclusions: The most related factors that influence toward decubitus prevention are knowledge, attitude, facilities and infrastructure, and encouragement nurses.


Keywords: decubitus prevention, facilities and infrastructure support, fellow nurse supports, knowledge, nurse’s attitude


decubitus prevention; facilities and infrastructure support; fellow nurse supports; knowledge; nurse’s attitude

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