Materialism and Tourism Brand Attachment in Influencing Compulsive Buying for Generations Y And Z Travel in the Post-Covid 19 Pandemic Period

Sudiyanti Sudiyanti, Ardik Praharjo, Kardina Yudha Parwati, Aminullah Alam


This study aims to analyze the effect of materialism and tourism brand attachment on compulsive buying for travel in generations Y and Z in Indonesia. This study also to analyse the influence of the predecessors of materialism and compulsive buying such as SNS advertisement, celebrity endorsement, and ideal self-congruence. This research is an explanatory research with a quantitative approach. A survey using a questionnaire was conducted to collect primary data in this study. The population in this study is all Y and Z generations in Indonesia. The sample in this study was determined using a non-probability sampling method because the total population is not known with certainty. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling with the criteria (1) maximum birth in 1981, because the research wanted to explain about compulsive buying in generations Y and Z, (2) active users of social media or social network services (SNS), because this research wanted explain the effect of variables related to the use of SNS such as SNS advertisement, celebrity endorsement, and ideal self-congruence on compulsive buying. The number of respondents in this assessment was 250 respondents. The data obtained was then analyzed using Covariance Based Structural Equation Modelling.


Compulsive Buying; Materialism; Tourism Brand Attachment

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