Analisis Implementasi Anggaran Pembangunan Kelistrikan (Studi terhadap Perda APBD Sektor Pertambangan dan Energi Kabupaten Bulungan Tahun 2010-2012)

Wibowo Romadhoni, Ulung Pribadi


This research is descriptive research. Result research show do not have perda that special regulate about develop-ment electricity. success develop supporter factor implementation budget electricity can be seen from aspects imple-mentation success scaling, namely: implementation policy support development budget in electricity development
implementation. Support sources policy in Perda APBD mining sector implementation and Energi Kabupaten Bulungan
with the existence of  budget that is large and the increase human resource. Support communication inter related
organisation, between Dinas Pertambangan and PT. PLN as well as BAPPEDA intertwined coordination that is good.
Executive body characteristic, and tendency all executive apper tain good with the existence of  program–program
activity that execute favorably. Executive activity very support so that target desired can achieved. Inside economy
condition thing, social, and politics can be said that that aspect very suppor t Implementasi success with all set him the
need for energy electricity certainly will improve social and economic growth as well as stability politics. Factors that
still become obstacle to Perda APBD Sektor Pertambangan success implementation and Energi Bulungan regency is
executive apparatus number, facility and infrastructure still  very less, inside inability contractor perform activity, and
not smooth electricity in development because condition geography that is wide and out of  reach.


Policy implementation; Development Budget and Electricity

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